We are open for submissions for two reading periods a year:
Feb. 15 to May 15
Sept. 15 to Nov. 15
Pangyrus is a literary magazine that is dedicated to art, ideas, and making culture thrive. Our name is a portmanteau of pangea (the world continent) and gyrus (the folds on the cerebral cortex of the brain). Pangyrus is about connection. We bring readers to make unexpected connections across a wide range of ideas, genres, and geographies. All that is worthy of thought and consideration, you’ll find here.
The name’s echo of “papyrus” is deliberate: we engage with political and social issues, but edit for writing that will stand the test of time. Our hybrid publishing model — two to three posts per week online and two print editions a year — allows us the flexibility to publish topical opinion pieces and reviews alongside poetry, comics, memoir and fiction.
We're looking for work with a strong point of view — stories with remarkable narrators, poems that challenge us, essays that argue for positions we haven't considered, and comics, painting, drawings, and mixed media that complicate the act of viewing.
Please see the categories at the end of this text. If there is a link, then that category is open for submissions.
- Fiction
- Poetry
- Nonfiction — Including our special categories of Zest! (food writing), Schooled (education), In Sickness and In Health (health), Field Notes (science), Generations (family), and Sounding Board (politics).
- Comics/Art
- By Prior Arrangement (only open to use if you have permission from an editor; tell us who has referred you, please)
In addition to our general call for submissions, please keep in mind our next anthology:
Our 13th print issue (2026) has as its theme THE 'I' OF THE BEHOLDER. We welcome art that gets at challenges of seeing and perspective, the tensions that exist among viewpoints, and the inherent unreliability of the subjective gaze.
—What to expect—
We accept simultaneous submissions, asking that you notify us immediately if a work is accepted elsewhere.
We pay all our authors, with a current rate of $30 per accepted piece. (We only use PayPal for payments.) All accepted work will appear online. Selected work will also appear in our print editions. Upon acceptance of your work, we send a contract.
All submitted work must be wholly original and previously unpublished. Please DO NOT send revisions of your work after you've submitted it.
All messages from Pangyrus about your submissions will come to you via Submittable. Please make sure they aren't going into your spam folder. Here's what Submittable suggests:
Thank you for submitting!
We are looking for high-quality nonfiction writing that connects exciting ideas, tells a compelling story, and offers a fresh perspective. Whether it's memoir, a critical essay, a review, or a piece on the craft of writing, we look for personal work that teaches us something new and sends us in a new direction.
We favor two kinds of submissions: short, focused essays between 600 and 1500 words, and longer, more reported features of up to 7,500 words. Please send only one selection at a time.
The following are specific categories for Pangyrus. If you submit in one of these categories, please use the dropdown menu to let us know which:
Zest! (Food Writing)
We want writing that’s not only in good taste, we want writing that tastes good. Wow us with memories of that perfect dish — or the perfect disaster. Tell the story of a region, a history, a family, a love, a war, through meals shared and soufflés ruined.
In Sickness and In Health (Health)
Give us perspective on the way we live now, drawing on anything from personal narrative to reporting to the science (and art) of public health. Be political, be personal, be whatever you need to be to stay authentic to your lived experiences and observations. This is a time we need shared voices.
Field Notes (Science and Environment)
We’re looking for innovative perspectives from researchers, professors, engineers, clinicians, and onlookers who can shine a light on science in the modern world. Our goal is to bring your voice and recent findings from the bench to our readers’ living rooms. Give us an unexpected and expansive view into the forces and faces shaping the world we live in now — and into the resistance to them. At the moment, we are especially interested in women in science, environment and ecology, and in science affected by today’s political climate.
Schooled (Education)
We’re looking for stories and perspectives from all levels of education, personal stories from teachers, students, and parents. Take us deeper into theory, practice and policy. Tell us about life in and out of the classroom and on (and off) campus in the pandemic, about transformative moments, and about the state of democracy as reflected in our schools.
The Sounding Board (Politics)
We're looking for essays that probe the politics of the moment or the politics of the past. National or international, local or worldwide — give us your take on why these issues matter, what forces shape and define this problem, and where we go from here.
Generations (Family)
Whether it's our birth family, our given family, our chosen family, family is the heart and often heartache in our lives. We want to read about these most significant connections and the tangled emotions that go along with them. Word limit: 7,500.
We are interested in showing the range of poetry that exists in the contemporary moment. First and foremost, we publish poetry in a wide range of styles and voices that moves us deeply and has us see the world in a new way.
Please send a maximum of 3 poems contained within a single document. Because our volume of submissions is high, we ask that you submit only once per reading period. Simultaneous submissions are expected, but please let us know immediately if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Please proofread your work.
We are committed to paying all published authors. We pay $30 for each accepted piece, payment upon publication via PayPal.
We look forward to reading your work!
We are looking for well-crafted, thought-provoking fiction: stories that are original, passionate, and surprising, with strong narratives and an implicit understanding of human interaction and nature. The tastes of our editorial team are far-ranging and eclectic. We welcome any work that displays the gift of storytelling, that pulls our readers into the narrative and holds them there until the end. New and diverse voices are also a keen interest of ours.
Please proofread your work, which means no typos, grammatical errors, or incorrect uses of language. Make sure you double-space the text and include page numbers.
Consider carefully the point of view in your story and how it and the structure help the reader discover the heart of your tale. Above all, consider the reader.
Word count: Submissions should be one short story at a maximum of 7,500 words or three micro or flash fiction pieces. No previously published work. Because our submission volume is high, we ask that you send only one submission per reading period. We will respond as soon as we can. Simultaneous submissions are expected, but please withdraw your story promptly if it is accepted elsewhere.
We are committed to paying all published authors. We pay $30 for each accepted piece, payment upon publication via PayPal.
We look forward to reading your work!
We're looking for Comics where the words and images work together to bring readers into places and emotional states they otherwise might not reach with the same immediacy.
We're looking for Visual Art in any media that's striking, that tells a story or challenges our gaze, and displays well online.
Comics should be 8 pages or less and be submitted as a single file.
Visual Art portfolios should consist of a single file of no more than 10 images, and be accompanied by an artist statement.