You attempted to access a category that has expired and is no longer available.


We are open for submissions for two reading periods a year: 

Feb. 15 to May 15 as well as Sept. 15 to Nov. 15. 

                                                       ---General Call--

Pangyrus publishes well-crafted, thought-provoking essays, poems, stories, and comics online and in two print editions each year (one anthology and one specialty book). We welcome work in any genre and on all topics.

Send us your best work and we will give it a serious read, no matter what the subject or style, and consider it for both online and print publication.


We also have special calls for submissions as follows:

1. Our 13th print issue (2026) has as its theme THE 'I' OF THE BEHOLDER. We welcome art that gets at challenges of seeing and perspective, the tensions that exist among viewpoints, and the inherent unreliability of the subjective gaze. We're looking for work with a strong point of view-- stories with remarkable narrators, poems that challenge us, essays that argue for positions we haven't considered, and painting, drawings, and mixed media that complicate the act of viewing.

2. Visual Arts. Our newly-launched visual arts section is looking for artists in any media, as well as visual arts criticism and ideas pieces. Portfolios should include no more than ten images, all in a single file. Please provide an artist statement in your cover letter here in Submittable or in the submitted materials.

3. Special Topics. The sections listed here tend to publish mainly nonfiction work, but will consider strong work in fiction, poetry, visual arts, comics, and other genres.

  •  Zest!  Food writing.
  •  In Sickness and In Health.  Medicine, the body, public and private health.
  •  Field Notes.  Science and the Environment.
  •  Schooled.  Education in and out of formal spaces.
  • Generations. Family, parenting, and relationships of all configurations.
  • The Sounding Board.  Politics and Society. 

For full descriptions of these categories please visit this section of our Submittable page. We encourage you to read us at to get a sense of what we're looking for. 

4. Columns. We are looking for writers of exceptional talent and productivity to contribute regular columns on any of the special topics listed above. This is a paid opportunity. For details see below.

                                                          ---What to expect---

We accept simultaneous submissions, asking that you notify us immediately if a work is accepted elsewhere. 

We pay all our authors, with a current rate of $30 per accepted piece. Accepted work will appear online. Selected work will also appear in our print editions. If we choose your artwork to appear on the cover of a Pangyrus publication, you will receive a payment of $350.

All submitted work must be wholly original and previously unpublished. Please DO NOT send revisions of your work after you've submitted it.

All messages from Pangyrus about your submissions will come to you via Submittable. Please make sure they aren't going into your spam folder. Here's what Submittable suggests:

Thank you for submitting!

This category is only for submissions that have been authorized by an editor, or are being submitted under our Get An Author Discovered Program.

For prose the word limit is 3,500. For poetry, please submit no more than three poems.

Pangyrus LitMag